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  • Writer's pictureBrittany

Do you know who will give you everything? You 🥰

I was feeling sorry for myself.

I still haven’t gotten over the CoVid fatigue, so I slept all weekend. And because of that, I forgot to make sure someone picked up my Celexa.

So I’m dealing with pretty rough side effects of not having my antidepressant for a few days. Plus CoVid. Yay.

I was washing my hair in the shower, and I started giggling. So many of my friends say “it’s Brittany bitch” when I walk up or send a quick text. Through my laughter, I yelled “I’m Brittany Bitch!”

My neighbors are concerned at this point. But, you know what? I needed that weird little reminder to pick me up.

Because I am me.

I’ve been through hell.

It’s never kept me down.

And neither is all the little things piling on top of me right now.

I’ve always prided myself on being the scrappy girl who, despite all odds, scrapes on by the skin of my teeth.

It’s time to dust myself off, and remind myself who I am.

And what a view it will be, watching it happen from the sidelines, away from the girl who always rises to the top.


The girl who is moving up from the bottom

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Dare Me is Live ✨ and other book news ✨

Thanks every single one of your for taking a chance on Dare Me! I love seeing people enjoy my books. 🖤 As you know, Dare Me is book 1 in a series. As of now, we expect book 2 to be out summer 2022!

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